Shiva Floral Water Scents

Shiva Floral Water Scents

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Select Size from Above, now available in 100ml, 50ml & 25ml

Shiva-The Yogi

May the experience of the Ritual scent of Shiva invoke the transformation of your being for the purposes of self-realization. Invoke your inner MahaYogi (Great Yogi) elevate your consciousness and let your energy flow.

This Ritual scent cools the Pitta dosha and balances Chakra #3, Manipura to unblock dull or stagnant energy at the navel centre, and Chakra #6 Ajna, Third eye chakra, the seat of intuition to promote deep states of meditation, clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Shiva is crafted using a combination of cooling essences; Sandalwood, Sudanese Black Coconut attar, Sudanese Black Rose, and Kush attar blended with a global bouquet of floral waters in a base of Andrea Olivera’s Ritual Blend.

The sacred coconut symbolizes the mind. Its healing essence tames and cools the inner fire, and helps to encourage the transmutation of lower energies into higher states of awareness.

As you breathe in the Ritual Scent of Shiva breathe in yogic transformation, harness your shakti energy and transcend into bliss…

This product does not contain any alcohol.

Warnings & Caution

Avoid eye contact and spraying on face. Avoid if pregnant or epileptic. Do not spray on children or pets.
